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Watch The Bridge (Brücke, Die) online

Where to watch The Bridge (Brücke, Die)

Actors: Folker Bohnet,Fritz Wepper,Michael Hinz,Frank Glaubrecht,Karl Michael Balzer,Volker Lechtenbrink,Günther Hoffmann,Cordula Trantow,Wolfgang Stumpf,Günter Pfitzmann,Heinz Spitzner,Siegfried Schürenberg,Ruth Hausmeister,Eva Vaitl,Edith Schultze-Westrum
Year: 1959
Imdb: click here

" I would not for one moment claim the "The Bridge" is in the same league as Kubrick's "Paths of Glory", Helma Sanders-Brahms's "Germany, Pale Mother" or Klimov's "Come and See" - Bernhard Wicki is a lesser director who never quite succeeds in making each of the seven protagonists a memorable character - but nevertheless he manages convincingly to flesh out in dramatic form the terrible reality behind that awesome newsreel footage of Hitler encouraging boy troops amid the rubble of Berlin"

The Bridge (Brücke, Die) trailer

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