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Watch Kath & Kim (US) online

What is Kath & Kim (US) about?
Kathleen "Kath" Day is the mom, a foxy, 40-something divorcée who finally has time for herself and her valiant search for love. Her daughter, Kimberly "Kim" Day-Fattibene, is in her mid 20’s but dresses like a child, constantly eating as a way to console herself, and is obsessed with celebrities. When Kim decides to move back home after separating from her husband, Craig, who works at a Best Buy, Kath reluctantly agrees -- but to Kim's chagrin, Kath is not about to cater to her every whim as she has in the past. Also making their lives complicated are their significant others. Carl Rutter, Kath's boyfriend, is a decent but dorky man in his mid 40’s who owns a sporting goods store and has a difficult time getting along with Kim. As Kim’s husband, Craig has his hands full trying to deal with her dominating personality, which explains their separation.

Genre: Comedy
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Kath & Kim (US)

    Episode 1: Love  
    Episode 2: Respect  
    Episode 3: Old  
    Episode 4: Money  
    Episode 5: Dating  
    Episode 6: Jealousy  
    Episode 7: Gay  
    Episode 9: Friends  
    Episode 10: Florida  
    Episode 11: News  
    Episode 12: Idols  
    Episode 15: Desire  
    Episode 17: Home  
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