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Watch Les Archives Couleurs online
What is Les Archives Couleurs about?
Episode 1: Londres et le Sud de l'Angleterrre (1940-1945)
Episode 2: The Battle of Midway (1942)
Episode 3: December 7th
Episode 4: Report from the Aleutians (1943)
Episode 5: Combat America (1943)
Episode 6: The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress
Episode 7: Paris et Berlin (1945)
Episode 8: Thunderbolt !
Episode 9: D-Day, la première bataille
Episode 10: Bonus du DVD du 6 juin 1944: Reportage sur les médias et la guerre
Season 1 of Les Archives Couleurs
Episode 1: Colour of War (UK) aka World War II in Color (US) 1 - A new World Order
Episode 2: Colour of War (UK) aka World War II in Color (US) 2 - Total War
Episode 3: Colour of War (UK) aka World War II in Color (US) 3 - Triumph and Despair
Episode 4: Colour of War - The British Story - Darkest Hour
Episode 5: Colour of War - The British Story - The Beginning of the End
Episode 6: Colour of War - The British Story - Unknown Warriors
Episode 7: Colour of War III: The American Story : Slow to Anger (1919-1942) (UK) aka The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Color: Infamy (1919-1942) (US)
Episode 8: The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Color: Battlefronts (1942-1944)
Episode 9: The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Color: Wrath: D-Day-VE-Day
Episode 10: The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Color: Triumph: The Pacific, 1943-1945
Episode 11: The Third Reich in Color 1
Episode 12: The Third Reich in Color 2
Episode 13: Codice Husky. La campagna d'Italia a colori
Episode 14: Japan's War in Colour 1 - Faith in Victory
Episode 15: Japan's War in Colour 2 - Enduring the Unendurable
Episode 16: Canada's War in Colour 1: Rumours of War
Episode 17: Canada's War in Colour 2: Call to Duty
Episode 18: Canada's War in Colour 3: Victory and Beyond
Episode 19: They filmed the War in Color: The Pacific War
Episode 20: They filmed the War in Color: Victory in Europe
Episode 21: Les Oubliés de la Libération: Ceux de Provence
Episode 22: Les Oubliés de la Libération: Ceux des Barricades
Episode 23: Les Oubliés de la Libération: La Victoire en couleur (Ceux d'Allemagne)
Episode 24: Colour of War V - D-DAY
Episode 25: Colour of War VI - Adolf Hitler
Episode 26: Eva Braun ou la banalité du mal 1: Innocence
Episode 27: Eva Braun ou la banalité du mal 2: Indécence
Episode 28: Eva Braun dans l'intimité d'Hitler
Episode 29: Images Coréennes
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