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Watch People That Shaped The World online
What is People That Shaped The World about?
Eistein, Newton, Edison, Nikola Tesla and more. Here comes a new series of shows geared to teach about the man and woman that shaped the world as we know it.
Episode 1: How William Shatner Changed The World
Episode 2: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Episode 3: The FreddieMercury Tribute
Episode 4: Stanley Kubrick
Episode 5: Tesla - Master Of Lightning
Episode 6: Prince Charles
Episode 7: The Star Dreamer
Episode 8: Watch The Skies
Episode 9: Leonardo Da Vinci - The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything
Episode 10: Leonardo da Vinci - Dangerous Liaisons
Episode 11: Leonardo Da Vinci - The Secret Life of the Mona Lisa
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