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What is NOVA scienceNOW about?
NOVA scienceNOW is a news magazine version of the venerable PBS science program NOVA. Premiering on January 25, 2005, the series was originally hosted by Robert Krulwich, who described it as an experiment in coverage of "breaking science, science that's right out of the lab, science that sometimes bumps up against politics, art, culture". At the beginning of season two, Neil deGrasse Tyson replaced Krulwich as the show's host.

Genre: Nonfiction
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Season 1 of Nova ScienceNow

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Season 2 of Nova ScienceNow

    Episode 1: Asteroid  
    Episode 3: Aging  
    Episode 4: Sleep  

Season 3 of Nova ScienceNow

Season 4 of Nova ScienceNow

Season 5 of Nova ScienceNow

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