Welcome to the Vengeance Unlimited guide at TV Tome. When people can kill someone you love and get a book deal out of it, just becuase they hire the right lawyer or get an acting teacher who teaches them to cry on camera, who can you turn to? Mr Chapel (Michael Madsen), of course! He will help you get your revenge with both charm and finality. Oh no, there's no killing involved. He just turns the tables on the bullies, often using their own tactics against them. The only problem is... he charges one million dollars. Or if you can't afford it, you can help him to help others. Mr Chapel's past is pretty much unknown, but obviously something horrible has happened to him and his family. Little pieces of what happened slowly unfolds in the episodes. KC Griffin is his friend, a former client and a beginner when it comes to the fine art of revenge, but she is a quick study... She is also there to give some balance to Chapel's quirky character. This well-written series, though short-lived
Actors: Michael Madsen, Kathleen York
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