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What is TV Bloopers And Practical Jokes about?
TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes was one of the best pre-era reality shows in TV history. It was the by-product of three lines of specials: Prototype 1: TV Censored Bloopers When filming or taping a TV show or movie, things invariably go wrong. Someone blows their line or makes some other goof, props (or sometimes, even clothing) fall down, animals refuse to behave¦the list is endless. From 1981 to 1983, Dick Clark hosted a maddening set of these specials, inviting guests to help him relate these moments. Prototype 2: Television's Greatest Commercials Ed McMahon fronted this simple homage to commercials that linger in our hearts and minds, if not the airwaves. Each of the specials ran with an advertising tagline as its subtitle (e.g., New and Improved or Stronger Than Dirt). Prototype 3: Johnny Carson's Greatest Practical Jokes This was a one-shot special in which Johnny videotaped pranks he played on some of his dearest friends, starting with Ed McMahon. In

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