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Watch Batman online: Episode 46 A Riddling Controversy (2)

As the lethal quicksand has almost claimed our heroes, Batman and Robin escape by reaching down ever so slowly, activate their experimental Heel-and-Toe Batrockets, and rocket themselves to safety. They investigate another cunning clue left by Riddler after his latest crime, and encounter Riddler, Across and Down at the penthouse of Anthony Aquila, an exiled South American dictator. They are unable to stop the thieving trio from cracking the dictator's safe because they must first rescue dictator himself from one of Riddler's fiendish puzzle-traps. Fearing for the man's life, The Duo allow the villains to escape with their ill-gotten gains. The Boy Wonder succeeds in solving the puzzle of the cage and releasing Aquila, only to find that the box supposedly containing the explosives was a fake (""If the tail fits, wear it!""). The Riddler finally amasses enough capital to purchase Professor Charm's invention, which he plans to demonstrate on a park statue. Disguised as a street cleaner, Ri

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