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Watch The Partridge Family online: Episode 15 Home is Where the Heart Was

Chris and Tracy have left the kitchen in a mess, and Shirley scolds them. Chris suggests to Tracy that they ought to run away, and Shirley says they should wait till the next morning after a good night's sleep. After rehearsal the next day, Chris and Tracy pick up a few prize possessions and announce they are going to run away. Shirley tells them they had better pack a suitcase, as they will need a change of clothes and a jacket for the night. She is convinced they will only get as far as half a block, stop into the neighbor's house for brownies, and come back. However, the kids leave the neighbor's house and go to Reuben's apartment by taxi. There is chaos as Chris lets in a sheepdog, which gives Reuben hives, and Tracy overflows the bubble bath. As Reuben's luck would have it, Bonnie Kleinschmitt shows up that night with a bottle of champagne and plans to stay with Reuben. When she sees the kids, Reuben tells her to give him an hour and they will be gone. She leaves and Reuben starts to play blackjack with them...saying that the losers would go home. Shirley can't wait any longer - she packs a bag and comes over to Rube's pretending that she has decided to run away. She says she is tired of being the ogre and she has no one to take care of. Chris and Tracy feel very bad and tell her that they will come home. Meanwhile, Bonnie Kleinschmitt calls to tell Reuben she is in Seattle because she had to fill in for a stewardess who became ill.

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