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Watch The Bullwinkle Show online: Episode 10 Banana Formula (7,8, & 9)

Boarding a river steamer for home following the explosion of the lodge, Bullwinkle keeps hiccuping the formula, so Rocky figures what his moose pal needs is a good hiccuping doctor-which should be Boris's cue, only the villain hasthe Pottsylvanian blues and is certain that Moose and Squirrel finally will see through his disguise, so Natasha cheers him up with Article Six of the Villains Handbook: And lo and behold, when he introduces himself as the ship's doc, our heroes seem more concerned with bad puns than familiar voices and seeing through disguises. Boris and Natasha, with their tape recording of Bullwinkle hiccuping the secret formula, are off to rendezvous with Fearless Leader, jetting in from Pottsylvania. Meanwhile, two terse refugees from Dragnet give our heroes a good grilling, clapping the incredulous Bullwinkle into custody before he can spill the secret formula yet again. And when Rocky calls Army Intelligence a contradition in terms, the two agents bind and gag him and t

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