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Watch The Bullwinkle Show online: Episode 1 Jet Fuel Formula (1 & 2)

All of America is in a panic due to the arrival of what they think are ""moon men"". When they land, it turns out to be a flying squirrel, and a bull moose named Rocky and Bullwinkle. They explain that when they were trying to bake Grandma Moose's fudge cake, the first layer blew their stove to the moon, so they used the rest of the cake to take them to the moon and back. So Bullwinkle is appointed head of Guided Moosles to duplicate the recipe, which had been torn in half by the explosion. Two spies named Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale try to do-away with Bullwinkle, which fails. And as the episode closes, we notice a scaly green hand raising some kind of gun at Rocky and Bullwinkle. FRACTURED FAIRY TALES: Rapunzel BULLWINKLE'S CORNER: The Swing PEABODY'S IMPROBABLE HISTORY: Show Opening

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