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What is Homicide about?
Homicide was Australia's first major drama series, and the most influential by any measure. Based around murder cases investigated by the Homicide squad at Melbourne's Russell Street police headquarters, Homicide single-handedly established a viable TV drama industry in Australia. Over 11 years and 510 episodes, Homicide acheived massive ratings (peaking at an incredible 54 at one point), made household names of its stars, spawned two sister series- Division 4 and Matlock Police- on rival networks, and still outlived them both! In the twenty-two years since it was last broadcast (in afternoon re-runs), the series has become renowned for its frequent car chases, slightly shonky 1970's fashions, and occasionally stilted dialogue. Some of Australia's best-known actors, writers, and directors got their start on Homicide, and without it- and the successors it generated- Australian drama would be very, very different.

Actors: Alwyn Kurts, Terry McDermott, John Fegan, Lex Mitchell, Lionel Long, Leonard Teale, Les Dayman, Don Barker, Norman Yemm, Mike Preston, Charles Bud Tingwell, John Stanton, Dennis Grosvenor, George Mallaby, Gary Day

Season 1 of Homicide

    Episode 4: The Knot  

Season 2 of Homicide

    Episode 1: The Hook  
    Episode 2: Manhunt  
    Episode 6: Skeleton  

Season 3 of Homicide

    Episode 6: Detour  
    Episode 40: The Ex  

Season 4 of Homicide

    Episode 7: Zemsta  

Season 5 of Homicide

Season 6 of Homicide

    Episode 19: Bait  
    Episode 30: Jet Lag  
    Episode 36: George  
    Episode 41: Jig Saw  
    Episode 42: Billy  

Season 7 of Homicide

    Episode 5: Evelyn  
    Episode 6: Wheels  
    Episode 10: Auntie  

Season 8 of Homicide

Season 9 of Homicide

    Episode 5: Sleeper  
    Episode 7: Warcry  

Season 10 of Homicide

    Episode 9: Assassin  
    Episode 13: Thommo  

Season 11 of Homicide

    Episode 1: Jingles  
    Episode 3: Otto  
    Episode 6: Bill  

Season 12 of Homicide

    Episode 11: Rattles  

Season 13 of Homicide

    Episode 3: Sanguma  
    Episode 5: Poppet  
    Episode 11: 8MM  
    Episode 16: Bunny  

Season 14 of Homicide

    Episode 2: Accident  
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