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Watch Big Brother online: Episode 2 The Houseguests move in

The 7th season opens with host Julie Chen informing the 20 candidates that 2 more keys are being added and the the Top 4 male and female from America's choice would be the first to enter the house. Julie Chen started off with the ladies. Revealing America has chosen, Janelle, Erika, Nakomis & Diane. She then pulls the guys keys and we find out that Howie, Kaysar, James and Jase are the males selected. Lastly, she reveals the BB producers picks which went to Will, Danielle, Marcellas, Alison, Mike ‘Boogie’ and finally ‘Chicken’ George. Once the guests are in the house, Julie informs them of the major twist. This season there would be 2 HoH's for the first time in BB history. Secondly, if the HOH's did not agree on the 2 nominees that the HOH's would find themselves on the chopping block in place of the nominees. The HOH competition was next. The group divided in to 2 groups of 7. One group was on a revolving platform and would have to stay standing while the second group swung a 50 pound foam meteor at them. The last one standing would win one of the HOH positions for the week. Janelle won one of the 2 HOH's for the week to complete the first round. The second round found Jase being the last man standing. Soon after the HOH competition ended, the alliances became more clear and it was obvious the group was divided in to 2 factions (The big brother 6 alum) vs everyone else. There was very little surprises during the nomination ceremony which found Allison and Danielle without keys.

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