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Watch Close and True online: Episode 1 Miss Newcastle

John Close has been a commercial solicitor in London for 10 years, a job that he does not really enjoy. While on a diving holiday, he receives a call from his old Newcastle friend Steve Sheedy who has been in jail for 2 1/2 months on an attempted murder charge. Steve begs John to help him and although his background isn't criminal law, decides to give it a go and finds himself in over his head. John becomes involved with mismanaged legal firm Simons and True in Newcastle, run by Colin Simons. He allows John to use the firm's services for a few days leading to Steve's trial. It is Steve's ex-wife Paula's boyfriend David who Steve allegedly attacked, and when David later dies, the charges rise to murder. Although he confesses that he didn't do it, and evidence points to Sinclair over monetary matters, it is Steve and Paula's son, Mark, who holds the key to what really happened.

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