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Watch The Nurses (1962) online

What is The Nurses (1962) about?
Welcome to The Nurses (1962) guide at TV Tome. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details. The story takes place in a large hospital and revolves around two nurses, Liz Thorpe (Shirl Conway), the older head nurse, and Gail Lucas, the naive student nurse. The two nurses were joined by doctors in 1964 and these doctors tried to help the nurses resolve moral and ethical problems.

Actors: Mary Fickett, Joseph Campanella, Corinne Orr, Michael Tolan, Stephen Brooks, Shirl Conway, Zina Bethune, Edward Binns

Season 1 of The Nurses (1962)

Season 2 of The Nurses (1962)

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