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What is The Hot Seat about?
Welcome to The Hot Seat guide at TV Tome. Two married couples competed one @ a time. One would be in the isolation booth (Hot Seat) while the other was asked either/or questions. The outside spouse would make the decision. Then the spouse in the Hot Seat listened to the question & would answer "No I would not". That's when the lie detector lit up & if the choice answer got the high measurement, they would win money. Question 1; $100, Question 2; $200, Question 3; $400. After both couples played, the couple in the lead (unless there's a tie) could either play one last question for a bonus prize or take a safe $500 to add to their score. Whatever they chose, the other couple got. TRIVIA: Temptation & The Hot Seat were the only Heatter-Quigley games ever on ABC. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details.

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