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What is My Son Reuben about?
Welcome to the My Son Reuben guide at TV Tome. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details. "There was more cheek-pulling than leg-pulling in this short-lived kosher comedy, which co-starred Bernard Spear as a middle-aged laundry-working bachelor, Reuben, and Lila Kaye as his smothering Yiddisher momma, Fay, whose 'No one is too good for my son' statements could also have been read as 'No one will have my son unless I arrange it'.Warning Reuben that her present for any wedding planned without her express personal involvement will be an invitation to her funeral, Fay endeavours to spike his few romantic attachments, especially if”oy gevalt!”they involve any shikseh (gentiles). When Reuben finally decides that enough is enough and packs his bags, momma feigns illness to bring him home again and Reuben realises that he is trapped.My Son Reuben was another ethnic/cross-cultural comedy from Vince Powell, the final two episodes overlap

Actors: Bernard Spear, Carol Mills, Jo Rowbottom, Lila Kaye, Stella Tanner, Christopher Benjamin

Season 1 of My Son Reuben

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