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Watch The Associates 1979 online: Episode 1 The First Day

Eliot and William Simmons meet Tucker at Harvard, and welcome him into the firm. Back in New York, William waits for Tucker and the other new associates to arrive, while Johnny talks with him about the possibility of being made partner. After Tucker and nervous Leslie, who's been escorted by her overprotective mother, get there, William introduces them, and says they and the third newcomer will have to share two offices. Leslie reminds Tucker that they previously met at a party while she was hammered. They both meet Sara, who's already claimed her office, and demands they share the other one -- which is fine with Tucker, since he's infatuated with her. During their indoctrination, Mr. Marshall pops in, and tells Eliot and William he wants to talk about making them partner, prompting them to call a hasty end to things. Mr. Marshall's got bad news; due to finances, he can only appoint one junior partner. Since he hasn't yet decided which, Eliot sucks up. Tucker feels guilty that his firs

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