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What is Mega Babies about?
Jaclyn Linetsky
Season 1 of Mega Babies
Episode 1: the maricle
Episode 2: a day at the beach
Episode 3: trash canned
Episode 4: dont let the bed bugs bite
Episode 5: nursery slimes
Episode 6: the sand man
Episode 7: the mall of doom
Episode 8: the space cows
Season 2 of Mega Babies
Episode 1: the camp out
Episode 2: the bath fiend
Episode 3: revenge of the space cows
Episode 4: a deserted store
Episode 5: scary road trip
Episode 6: vampire girls
Episode 7: bucks new friends
Episode 8: robbers
Episode 9: let it rip!
Episode 10: the island of dr.pysco
Season 3 of Mega Babies
Episode 1: the video game
Episode 2: derriks sport
Episode 3: megs little secret
Episode 4: roach problem
Episode 5: a magic zoo
Episode 6: the ventriliquist
Episode 7: snow way
Episode 8: the villians strike back!
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