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What is The Outer Limits (1995) about?
Like the classic 1960s series of the same name, each episode is a celebration of the human imagination in which humanity's exploration of new frontiers in technology, outer space and the human experience reveal our greatest hopes and darkest fears. Stories on The Outer Limits have explored the consequences of such controversial and thought-provoking topics as genetic manipulation, alien visitation and life after death.

Actors: Kevin Conway
Genre: Science-Fiction
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of The Outer Limits (1995)

Season 2 of The Outer Limits (1995)

Season 3 of The Outer Limits (1995)

    Episode 7: The Camp  
    Episode 9: Tempests  

Season 4 of The Outer Limits (1995)

    Episode 2: The Hunt  
    Episode 7: Josh  
    Episode 9: Glyphic  
    Episode 15: Mary 25  
    Episode 17: Lithia  
    Episode 18: Monster  

Season 5 of The Outer Limits (1995)

    Episode 2: Donor  
    Episode 6: Joyride  
    Episode 11: Ripper  
    Episode 13: Summit  
    Episode 14: Descent  
    Episode 16: Deja Vu  

Season 6 of The Outer Limits (1995)

    Episode 2: The Gun  
    Episode 6: Beholder  
    Episode 9: Stasis  
    Episode 12: Glitch  
    Episode 14: Abaddon  
    Episode 16: Revival  
    Episode 19: Zig Zag  
    Episode 20: Nest  

Season 7 of The Outer Limits (1995)

    Episode 7: Replica  
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