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Watch Transatlantic Sessions online
What is Transatlantic Sessions about?
Folk musicians come together in what have been called 'the greatest backporch shows ever', introduced by Aly Bain and Jay Ungar.
Special Interest
Season 1 of Transatlantic Sessions
Episode 1: 1x1
Episode 2: 1x2
Episode 3: 1x3
Episode 4: 1x4
Episode 5: 1x5
Episode 6: 1x6
Episode 7: 1x7
Season 2 of Transatlantic Sessions
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Season 3 of Transatlantic Sessions
Episode 1: 3x1
Episode 2: 3x2
Episode 3: 3x3
Episode 4: 3x4
Episode 5: 3x5
Episode 6: 3x6
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