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What is Kalla Fakta about?
Hard facts mandate to investigate and expose politicians, rulers and social phenomenon with the ambition to be on the weaker party. Human fate is depicted as we highlight the people and feelings and shows how today's Swedes affected by the decisions taken in the corridors of power. To spring 2008 wagered TV4 Group more resources on Hard facts and extended both the season and duration. Several reports highlighted dramatically and the revealing examination of the brutal production of merino wool in Australia was a world first and was the world's major clothing chains to review their products. Award-winning reportage The investigative reports in the Cold facts over the years has been rewarded with a series of prestigious appointments and awards. In September 2008, won the Cold facts of the finest prices for investigative journalists. It was the revealing reportage "The black cod," which won the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in Lillehammer, Norway. The prize is awarded every two years for "outstanding international investigative journalism". The story was sent in 2006 and was a unique identification of trade in the coveted cod and showed that the Swedish fishing companies are part of a black-billion-dollar industry. Autumn 2008 Hard facts started autumn 2008 season with a plunge in Arboga tragedy. In the first reportage we followed Emma Jang Stig, the mother of the murdered children, Max and Saga in Arboga. Then we met the father, who for a time after the murder was the main suspect in the high-profile case. Program Manager Peter Lindgren Hard facts over the years has held a number of presenters, first out, the fall of 1990, then was Jan Guillou Jan Scherman, which for many was the Hard facts face. After him came Karin Alfredsson, and then a period when the reporters themselves announce reportage. Kajsa Steel, later editorial director, led the program a couple of seasons and was replaced by a few reporters who took on leadership programs in the studio. Then took Lennart Ekdal and Elizabeth Frerot over - Elizabeth took care of since a few years alone program leadership. Then it was Lena Sundström Hard facts face. Since spring 2008, Peter Lindgren presenters.

Season 34 of Kalla Fakta

Season 35 of Kalla Fakta

Season 36 of Kalla Fakta

Season 39 of Kalla Fakta

    Episode 2: Part 2  
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