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Watch Ry?maden online

What is Ry?maden about?
NHK's 49h taiga drama centers around Ryoma Sakamoto (January 3, 1836 - December 10, 1867) a leader of the movement to overthrow the feudal regime of Tokugawa shogunate. Ryoma Sakmoto is thought to have been a visionary who helped spur Japan to modernization.

Genre: Drama
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Ry?maden

Season 2 of Ry?maden

    Episode 2: Ryoma 2  
    Episode 3: Ryoma 3  
    Episode 4: Ryoma 4  
    Episode 5: Ryoma 5  
    Episode 6: Ryoma 6  
    Episode 7: Ryoma 7  
    Episode 8: Ryoma 8  
    Episode 9: Ryoma 9  
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