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Watch Bernhard, Schavuit van Oranje online

What is Bernhard, Schavuit van Oranje about?
Bernhard - Schavuit van Oranje is a four part series about more than just the turbulent life of the prince consort. An engaging drama about a man trying to escape a rigid life, finding his own path and surviving deep crises to find out what true love truely means. The story takes us from Soestdijk to German Reckenwalde, Berlin, London, Argentina and Canada. It paints a portrait of the world of the thirties of the twentieth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Genre: Drama
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Bernhard, Schavuit van Oranje

    Episode 1: De Prins  
    Episode 2: De Held  
    Episode 4: De Val  
click here to see where to watch

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