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What is Time Shift about?
A series of documentaries exploring British cultural history.
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Season 1 of Time Shift
Episode 1: The Grunwick Strike
Episode 4: The Sailing Sixties
Episode 11: Greenham Common Changed My Life
Season 2 of Time Shift
Episode 1: Six Days to Saturday
Episode 2: Hard Drive Heaven
Season 3 of Time Shift
Episode 1: Raj to Rhondda: How Indian Doctors saved the NHS
Episode 2: Charles Wheeler: Edge of Frame
Episode 3: Jet Set
Episode 4: Prog Rock
Season 4 of Time Shift
Episode 1: Art School
Episode 4: Prog Rock
Season 5 of Time Shift
Episode 1: The Jitterbug Years
Episode 2: Star Men
Episode 3: A Study in Sherlock
Episode 4: The British Way of Death
Episode 5: Lost Road: Overland To Singapore
Episode 6: Pop Svengalis
Season 6 of Time Shift
Episode 1: Goodbye Children Everywhere
Episode 2: Parallel Worlds: A User's Guide
Episode 3: Spy Stories - British Espionage in Fact and Fiction
Episode 4: Creating Life on Mars
Episode 5: Hey Mr DJ: The Rise and Rise of the Disc Jockey
Episode 6: Live on the Night
Episode 7: Machine Men
Episode 8: Carry On Campus
Episode 9: Wedding Rites: In Sickness and in Health
Episode 10: The Da Vinci Code - The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Season 7 of Time Shift
Episode 1: The Edwardian Larder
Episode 2: How To Be a Good Prime Minister
Episode 3: Gagging For It - TV's Hunger for Radio Comedy
Episode 4: Whatever Happened to Radio 2?
Episode 5: Emmylou Harris's Ten Commandments of Country
Episode 6: Emmylou Harris at the BBC
Episode 7: Archaelogy - Digging the Past
Episode 8: Sir Mortimer Wheeler - A Life in Ruins
Episode 9: Watching the Russians
Episode 10: Never Had It So Good?
Episode 11: A Game of Two Eras: 1957 v 2007
Episode 12: Stuffed: The Great British Christmas Dinner
Episode 13: The Rise and Fall of the Ad Man
Episode 14: Time Gentlemen, Please: History of the British Pub
Season 8 of Time Shift
Episode 1: How To Be A Good President
Episode 2: Between the Lines - Railways in Fiction and Film
Episode 3: The Last Days of Steam
Episode 4: How to Write a Mills and Boon
Episode 5: How to Solve a Cryptic Crossword
Episode 6: The Comic Songbook
Episode 7: Fashion versus the BBC
Episode 8: The North-South Divide
Season 9 of Time Shift
Episode 1: The Rise and Rise of Food Science
Episode 2: The Golden Age of Liners
Episode 3: The Men Who Built the Liners
Episode 4: The Last Days of the Liners
Episode 5: How to Win at Chess
Episode 6: Oliver Postgate: A Life in Small Films
Episode 7: Clement Freud: In His Own Words
Episode 8: Bread: A Loaf Affair
Episode 9: Disappearing Dad
Season 10 of Time Shift
Episode 1: The North on a Plate
Episode 2: 1960: The Year of the North
Episode 3: When Britain Went Wild
Episode 4: Nordic Noir: The Story of Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Episode 5: Italian Noir: The Story of Italian Crime Fiction
Episode 6: The Golden Age of Coach Travel
Episode 7: The Modern Age of Coach Travel
Episode 8: The Story of Corporal Punishment
Episode 9: Retrial by TV: The Rise and Fall of Rough Justice
Episode 10: The Story of Capital Punishment
Season 11 of Time Shift
Episode 1: Retrial by TV: The Rise and Fall of Rough Justice
Episode 2: Hotel Deluxe
Episode 3: All the Fun of the Fair
Episode 4: When the Circus Comes to Town
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