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What is Beached Az about?
Beached Az follows the struggle by a whale beached on a New Zealand beach to get back into the ocean. While animals attempt to help, sometimes this is bad help.
Animation, Comedy
Season 1 of Beached Az
Episode 1: The Seagull
Episode 2: The Snail
Episode 3: The Baby Whale
Episode 4: The Squid
Episode 5: The Stringray
Episode 6: The Duck
Episode 7: The Turtle
Episode 8: The Bluebottle
Episode 9: The Starfish
Episode 10: The Crab
Episode 11: The Rope
Season 2 of Beached Az
Episode 1: The Koalas
Episode 2: The Pelican
Episode 3: The Goats
Episode 4: The Walrus
Episode 5: The Barnacles
Episode 6: The Dragon
Episode 7: The Sea Slug
Episode 8: The Clams
Episode 9: The Hermit Crab
Episode 10: The Tide
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