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What is Q and A about?
Q&A puts punters, pollies and pundits together in the studio to thrash out the hot issues of the week. It's about democracy in action - on Q&A the audience gets to ask the questions. It doesn't matter who you are, or where you're from - everyone can have a go and take it up to our politicians and opinion makers. Energetic and opinionated - Q&A brings Australia's egalitarian and larrikin spirit into the studio. Q&A is about encouraging people to engage with politics and society. Q&A is hosted by one of the ABC's most respected journalists - Tony Jones. Q&A is live to air - it's happening as viewers watch.

Genre: News, Talk Show


Season 1 of Q and A

Season 2 of Q and A

Season 3 of Q and A

Season 4 of Q and A

click here to see where to watch

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